Learn about the ILHA and all of the benefits of becoming a member below.
The ILHA is dedicated to showcasing its members. As an ILHA member you are invited to share your story the following ways:
- Member Mondays – Submit your favorite Liberty photo along with why you love Liberty or how Liberty has helped you or your horse. Member Mondays are shared on the ILHA website, throughout the various ILHA social media platforms, in newsletters, on brochures and more.
- Member Highlights – You can also make someone else’s day by nominating your favorite ILHA Member for a Member Highlight. As an ILHA member you can recognize any other ILHA member who inspires or helps you and we will take it from there. Member Highlights are shared on all ILHA social media platforms, the website, in newsletters and on other media.
- Special Events – The ILHA is the only association that hosts freestyle shows at expos and other special events showcasing the Liberty discipline. Participation in these events is only open to ILHA members.

The ILHA is dedicated to building an inclusive Liberty community. Â Now more than ever community matters. Community is where relationships happen, memories are made and your Liberty journey grows. As an ILHA member you join this thriving community in the following ways:
- Exclusive on-line community – ILHA members have access to an exclusive ILHA Member Portal with resources, videos, discussion areas and access the latest news.
- Join an ILHA Club – Only ILHA members can join ILHA Clubs. Clubs are where people connect with other Liberty enthusiasts in their area, learn about local Liberty events, build relationships with other Liberty trainers and grow. Click HERE to join an ILHA club today!
- Start an ILHA Club – Not an ILHA club near you? Only ILHA members can start a club. Click HERE to learn more about the exciting opportunity of starting an ILHA Club.
- ILHA Directory – The ILHA on-line community portal will produce a Member Directory allowing ILHA members to easily find other Liberty trainers and fans based on their location. If you become a member you will also be included in the directory allowing new members to connect with YOU!
- The ILHA Championship Show – The ILHA In-Person Championship Show happens every year in October at the World Renowned Kentucky Horse Park. The 2025 ILHA In-Person Championship Show will take place on October 9-12, 2025 complete with several ILHA Member only events.  Be sure to mark the dates on your calendar and make plans to come, watch, show and connect with other Liberty Fans from all over.

The ILHA is dedicated to showcasing Liberty trainers, enthusiasts and their horses. As an ILHA Member there are several ways to showcase you and your horse(s) Liberty skills – no matter how new or advanced they are:
- Virtual Shows – The ILHA regularly hosts virtual shows for all ILHA Members where all you need is a horse, an Iphone to record a video, and a round pen, arena, pasture or open space. Virtual shows are an excellent way to experience the thrill of competition without having to invest the large amounts of time and money usually required to show. Check out the ILHA Events Calendar HERE for a list of upcoming virtual shows.
- In-Person Shows – Various ILHA Clubs host several in-person shows for all ILHA members throughout the year. These shows are a great way to introduce you and your horse to performing at Liberty outside of your regular surroundings and to prepare for larger venues and events. Check out the ILHA Events Calendar HERE for a list of upcoming in-person shows.
- Special Events – the ILHA hosts several exclusive Liberty shows at high profile equine events throughout the year. Participation in these shows is only available to ILHA members and prizes include everything from cash to buckles to farm equipment to equine supplies to opportunities to the chance to perform in equine specialty shows. In addition to being invited to apply, ILHA Members learn about these shows before they are made public by email and through announcements in the ILHA Member Portal.
- ILHA Championship Show – The ILHA hosts both a Virtual and In-Person Championship Show in October each year. These shows are only open to ILHA Members and are designed to celebrate the talent, diversity and community that sets the ILHA apart.

The ILHA is dedicated to growth. We are continually working on ways to improve the ILHA and promote the Liberty discipline. Often, we have several projects in the works before they are ever announced publicly. However, all ILHA Members receive the ILHA Newsletter throughout the year giving them an exclusive behind the scenes look at what’s currently under way and what’s coming soon.

The ILHA is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of its members and their horses – from simply entering a show to winning an open class – we celebrate every achievement of every member no matter how big or how small. We do this in the following ways:
- Every ILHA Member that competes in as little as one class in any ILHA competition (virtual, in-person, championship, special events) receives a year end ILHA Competitor Pin celebrating their transition from spectator to participant.
- Every time a member participates in any ILHA show they earn 1 point for every class they enter and 1 point for every other competitor they place above. At the end of the season the ILHA recognizes high point competitors, horses, divisions, classes, and even breeds.
- ILHA show prizes include ribbons, buckles, plaques, pins, cash, sponsored prizes, and even the chance to perform in other high profile equine shows like Fantasia.

The ILHA is dedicated to increasing the value of Liberty training and helping people find their next Liberty partner. To do this we created the only horse listing site exclusively for Liberty horses where people can advertise, sell, lease, buy and sell Liberty horses. This feature is open to the general public but ILHA members can also share their listing or ISO requests with other ILHA members on the Membership Portal.
Check it the Liberty Horse Sale Page HERE.

The ILHA is dedicated to hosting fair competitions. To do this we require judges to take an ILHA judges course, pass a test specific to the level and style of Liberty they will be judging, retest each year to remain current on rule changes and updates, and have participated in at least one pattern of the level they will be judging in a ILHA competition within the last 3 years. Only ILHA Members can become ILHA Judges. We are dedicated to having the best judging system in the industry and we work toward this goal in the following ways:
- Any ILHA member can enroll in the ILHA Judges course to learn more about the ILHA judging system.
- Only judges that have completed all of the requirements (listed above) are allowed to judge an ILHA show with the exception of the Freestyle performances where professional equine entertainers are regularly used because of their expertise on equine entertainment performances.
- All carded ILHA judges are invited to a monthly judges call with the Director of Judging to ask questions, get clarification, discuss issues and suggest improvements.
- The ILHA hosts an annual review meeting after the Championship show each year to review the judging criteria, update the rules and improve judging for participants and judges.
- ILHA Members can sign up for Participant Judging Clinics hosted by the ILHA to learn more about the ILHA judging system without having to complete the extensive Judging Courses.

The ILHA is dedicated to advancing the Liberty discipline. To do this we promote educational events and connecting Liberty fans with Liberty trainers in the following ways:
- Educational Events: ILHA Clubs can advertise clinics by professional trainers and events on the ILHA Calendar for all ILHA members and non-members to see.
- Liberty Trainers & Professionals: The ILHA does not endorse or promote any one Liberty trainer, style or method. However, the most common question we get at expos or hear from new members is, “I’m interested in Liberty, how can I learn more?” To address this - New in 2023 - the ILHA will compile a membership directory to help people locate and connect with other Liberty trainers & professionals. The directory will be available at the end of January 2023.
- Advertising – Anyone interested in advertising their business or Liberty services including clinics, lessons, courses, training, etc. is encouraged to check out the ILHA Media Kit by emailing [email protected]. Advertising and sponsorship opportunities are available in all ILHA publications as well as at ILHA shows and events through programs and/or booths. Email [email protected] to learn more about the various ILHA advertising opportunities.